On Screen Advertising and More


Target your marketing dollars and efforts to a growing LOCAL market of affluant, and actively spending, captive audience. Spotlight Theatres On-Screen Advertising Program can present your ad before every showing, seven days a week to thousands of moviegoers in your local area.

Digitally projected up to 30 feet wide, with brilliant color and great resolution, your message is sure to have impact. Targets the people who live, work and play right in your local market. Spotlight Theatres patrons are confirmed consumers who certainly value entertainment and leisure, and prefer to buy their products and services in the towns and neighborhoods close to home.

Professionally created affordable digital advertising will excite and encourage your potential consumers to your products. Better than other advertising methods, On-Screen Advertising targets consumers out-of-home and actively spending money making Spotlight Theatres the best media for your marketing dollar.

On-Screen is just the start. Lobby promotions, ticket advertising, posters and more are available.

For more information about advertising with us please fill out the form below:

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